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Коды ошибок HP LJ 4100


Коды ошибок HP LJ 4100

Control panel messageExplanation
ACCESS DENIED MENUS LOCKEDThe control panel function you are trying to use has been locked by the network administrator to prevent unauthorized access.
BAD DUPLEXER CONNECTIONThe duplexer is not correctly installed.
BAD ENV FEEDER CONNECTIONThe envelope feeder is not connected properly to the printer.
BAD OPT TRAY CONNECTIONThere is a problem with an optional 500-sheet paper tray connection with the printer:
  • The tray is not connected properly.
  • More than two optional 500-sheet paper trays have been installed (the printer cannot support more than four trays total).
  • The electronics in the paper tray are faulty.
CANNOT DUPLEX CLOSE REAR BINThe printer cannot duplex because the rear output bin is open.
CHECK INPUT DEVICE alternates with PAPER PATH OPEN PLEASE CLOSE ITThe optional input tray cannot feed print media to the printer because a door or paper guide is open.
CHECK OUTPUT DEVICE alternates with CLOSE OUTPUT DELIVERY PATHThe optional output device is not properly connected to the printer.
CHECKING PAPER PATHThe engine is checking for possible jams or print media that was not cleared from the printer.
CLOSE TOP COVERThe top cover is open and must be closed for printing to continue.
DISK DEVICE FAILUREThe EIO disk had a critical failure or fatal error.
DISK FILE OPERATION FAILEDThe requested operation could not be performed (for example, attempting to download a file to a nonexistent directory).
DISK FILE SYSTEM IS FULLThe disk file system is full.
DISK IS WRITE PROTECTEDThe EIO disk is protected, and no new files can be written to it.
DUPLEX ERROR CHECK DUPLEXERThere is a problem with the duplexer.
EIO DISK [x] NOT FUNCTIONALThe EIO disk is not working correctly.
EIO [x] NOT FUNCTIONALThe EIO disk is not working correctly.
EIO [x] INITIALIZING alternates with DO NOT POWER OFFThe disk accessory in EIO slot [x] is initializing.
ENV FEEDER LOAD [TYPE] [SIZE]A job has been sent to the envelope feeder and the feeder is empty, the wrong size is loaded in the feeder, or the type and size are set incorrectly on the control panel.
ENVELOPE FEEDER SIZE = [xxxxx]The printer is asking what size envelopes have been loaded in the envelope feeder.
ENVELOPE FEEDER TYPE = [xxxxx]The printer has received a job under the following conditions:
  • The envelope type the job requested is not available in the printer.
  • Envelopes have been placed in the envelope feeder (thus triggering the paper sensor).
FLASH DEVICE FAILUREThe flash DIMM had a critical or fatal failure.
FLASH FILE OPERATION FAILEDThe requested operation could not be performed (for example, attempting to download a file to a nonexistent directory).
FLASH FILE SYSTEM IS FULLThe flash file system is full.
FLASH IS WRITE PROTECTEDThe flash DIMM is protected and no new files can be written to it.
INPUT DEVICE CONDITION [XX.YY]An input paper-handling device has a condition that needs attention before printing can resume.
1st X = Device number in chain
2nd X= Device type (three types):   1 = Input   2 = Output   3 = Stapler/stacker unit
YY = Device specific error
INSTALL DUPLEXERThe printer is unable to print the current job because the duplexer is not installed or not inserted correctly.
INSTALL TONER CARTRIDGEThe toner cartridge has been removed and must be reinstalled for printing to continue.
INSTALL TRAY [X]The printer is unable to print the current job because the specified tray [X] is open or not inserted correctly.
LOADING PROGRAM [NUMBER] alternates with DO NOT POWER OFFPrograms and fonts can be stored on the printer’s file system. At startup time, these entities are loaded into RAM. (These entities can take a long time to load into RAM depending on the size and number of entities being loaded.) The NUMBER specifies a sequence number indicating the current program being loaded.
MANUALLY FEED [TYPE] [SIZE]One of the following occurred:
  • A manual feed was requested.
  • There is no media in tray 1.
  • The wrong size of media is loaded.
  • The control panel is not set for the size and type of media loaded.
MEMORY FULL STORED DATA LOSTThere is no available memory in the printer. The current job might not print correctly and some resources (such as downloaded fonts or macros) might have been deleted.
MEMORY SETTINGS CHANGEDThe printer changed its memory settings because it did not have enough memory to use the previous settings for I/O buffering and resource saving. This usually occurs after removing memory from the printer, adding a duplexer, or adding a printer language.
MEMORY SHORTAGE JOB CLEAREDThe printer did not have enough free memory to print the entire job. The remainder of the job will not print and will be cleared from memory.
MEMORY SHORTAGE PAGE SIMPLIFIEDThe printer had to compress the job to fit it in available memory. Some data loss might have occurred.
NON HP TONER DETECTED alternates with PRESS GO TO CONTINUEThe printer has detected that the toner cartridge is not a genuine HP toner cartridge because it does not see or recognize the toner cartridge’s identification (model, manufacturing date, and serial number).
OFFLINEThe printer is offline.
OUTPUT BIN FULL alternates with CLEAR PAPER FROM [BINNAME]The output bin is full and needs to be emptied.
PAPER WRAPPED AROUND FUSERPrint media is wrapped around the fuser.
PERFORM PRINTER MAINTENANCETo ensure optimum print quality, the printer prompts the customer to have routine maintenance performed every 200,000 pages.
PROCESSING JOBThe printer is processing a job.
PROCESSING CLEANING PAGEThe printer is conducting the manual cleaning-page process.
RAM DISK DEVICE FAILUREThe RAM disk had a critical or fatal failure.
RAM DISK FILE OPERATION FAILEDThe requested operation could not be performed (for example, attempting to download a file to a nonexistent directory).
RAM DISK FILE SYSTEM IS FULLThe RAM disk file system is full.
RAM DISK IS WRITE PROTECTEDThe RAM disk is protected, and no new files can be written to it.
TONER LOWThe message first appears when about 15 percent of the toner is remaining in the toner cartridge (about 1,500 pages remaining for the 10,000-page cartridge and about 900 pages remaining for the 6,000-page cartridge at fivepercent coverage). Depending on how the printer has been configured in the configuration menu, it will either continue to print or stop.
TONER OUTThe toner cartridge has run out of toner. Depending on how the printer has been configured, it will either continue to print or stop. Due to the resolution of the toner level sensor, it is possible that a small amount of toner (less than one percent) might still be present in the cartridge.
TRAY [X] EMPTY [TYPE] [SIZE]The specified tray is empty, but the current job does not need this tray in order to print correctly. If this message appears and the tray contains print media, a sensor could be damaged. PS105 detects paper in tray 1. PS101 detects paper in tray 2. PS1001 detects paper in the optional 500-sheet feeder.
TRAY [x] LOAD [TYPE] [SIZE] where x is tray 2, 3, or 4This message occurs for the following reasons:
  • Tray 2, 3, or 4 was requested, but the tray is empty.
  • Tray 2, 3, or 4 was requested, but the adjustments are not set for the requested type or size.
TRAY 1 LOAD [TYPE] [SIZE]The print job has requested a size and/or type of media that is not loaded.
TRAY 1 SIZE = [xxxx]The printer is asking what size of media has been loaded in tray 1.
TRAY 1 TYPE = [xxxx]The printer has received a job under the three following conditions:
  • The media type requested by the job is not available in the printer.
  • Tray 1 has been set for CASSETTE.
  • Media has been placed in tray 1 (thus triggering tray 1’s paper sensor). If you do not press any buttons, the message disappears in about one minute).
UNABLE TO MOPY JOBMemory or file system failures would not allow a mopy job to occur. Only one copy will be produced.
UNABLE TO STORE JOBMemory or file system failures would not allow the print to store the job.
UNSUPPORTED SIZE IN TRAY [yy]An external paper-handling device detected an unsupported media size. The printer will go offline until the condition is corrected.
USE [TYPE] [SIZE] INSTEAD?If the requested media size or type is not loaded, the printer asks if it should use another size or type instead.
WAIT FOR PRINTER TO REINITIALIZEThe RAM disk setting has been changed from the printer control panel. This change will not take effect until the printer reinitializes.
xx.yy PRINTER ERROR PRESS GO TO CONTINUEA printer error has occurred that can be cleared by pressing GO on the printer control panel.
13.XX PAPER JAM [LOCATION]Media is jammed at the specified location (and possibly at other locations). If the message persists after all jams have been cleared, a sensor or sensor lever might be stuck or broken.
13.0 PAPER JAM [LOCATION]A non-specific paper jam occurred.
13.1 PAPER JAM OPEN INPUT TRAYSPaper-delay jam at paperfeed area.
13.2 PAPER JAM OPEN INPUT TRAYSPaper-stopped jam at paper-feed area.
13.5 PAPER JAM CHECK REAR DOOR alternates with OPEN AND CLOSE TOP COVERPaper-delay jam at fuser.
13.6 PAPER JAM CHECK REAR DOOR alternates with OPEN AND CLOSE TOP COVERPaper-stopped jam at fuser.
13.10 PAPER JAM CHECK DUPLEXER alternates with OPEN AND CLOSE TOP COVERJam at duplexer.
13.20 PAPER JAM CHECK REAR DOOR alternates with OPEN AND CLOSE TOP COVER OPEN INPUT TRAYSMedia stopped in the paper path during poweron or when the top door was closed.
13.21 DOOR OPEN JAMThe top cover was open while printing.
13.99 PAPER JAM [LOCATION]A non-specific paper jam occurred.
20 INSUFFICIENT MEMORY alternates with PRESS GO TO CONTINUEThe printer received more data than can fit in available memory. You might have tried to transfer too many macros, soft fonts, or complex graphics.
21 PAGE TOO COMPLEX alternates with PRESS GO TO CONTINUEThe data (dense text, rules, raster or vector graphics) sent to the printer is too complex.
40 EIO x BAD TRANSMISSION alternates with PRESS GO TO CONTINUEThe connection has been broken between the printer and the EIO card in the specified slot. (Data loss might occur in this situation.)
41.x PRINTER ERROR alternates with PRESS GO TO CONTINUEA temporary printing error has occurred.
41.3 UNEXPECTED PAPER SIZE alternates with LOAD TRAY [X] TYPE SIZEThe printer detected a media size different from what it was expecting. This is typically caused if two or more sheets stick together in the printer or if the tray is not properly adjusted.
41.5 PRINTER ERRORThe media reached the PS102 or PS103 sensor too early.
49.XX PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA firmware error occurred.
50.X FUSER ERRORA fuser error has occurred.
X description:
1 = Low fuser temperature
2 = Fuser warm-up service
3 = High fuser temperature
50.4 PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA problem exists with the customer’s line voltage.
51.X PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA loss of beam-detect occurred.
X description:
1 = Beam-detect error
2 = Laser error
52.X PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEThe laser scanner speed is incorrect.
X description:
1 = Scanner startup error
2 = Scanner rotation error
53.XY.ZZ PRINTER ERRORThere is a memory error with an accessory. The DIMM that caused the error will not be used.
Values of X, Y, and ZZ are as follows:
X = DIMM type
0 = ROM
1 = RAM
Y = Device location
0 = internal memory (ROM or RAM)
1 to 4 = DIMM slots 1, 2, 3, or 4
ZZ = Error number
0, 1, 2 = Unsupported o unrecognized memory
3 = Failed RAM test
4, 5 = Exceeded maximum RAM or ROM size
6 = Invalid DIMM speed
7 = DIMM reporting information incorrectly
8 = DIMM RAM parity error
9 = ROM needs to be mapped to an unsupported address
10 = DIMM address conflict
11 = PDC XROM out of bounds
12 = Unable to make a temporary mapping
54.1 REMOVE SEALING TAPE alternates with FROM TONER CARTRIDGEThe toner cartridge has been installed without removing the sealing tape.
54.4 PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA problem exists with the customer’s line voltage.
55.xx PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEAn internal communications error occurred.
56.X PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEAn incompatible combination of input/ output bins was selected.
X = description:
1 = Illegal input or bad accessory connector
2 - Illegal output
57.X PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA fan failure was detected.
X description:
4 = Printer fan
7 = Duplex fan
58.2 PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEAn environmental thermistor (TH3) failure occurred.
59.X PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA main motor error occurred.
X description:
0 = Motor error
1 = Motor startup error
2 = Motor rotation error
62.X PRINTER ERRORThere is a problem with the printer memory. The X value refers to the location of the problem:
0 = Internal memory
1 to 4 = DIMM slots 1, 2, 3, or 4
64 PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWERA scan buffer error occurred.
66.XX.YY [TYPE] FAILURE alternates with CHECK CABLES AND CYCLE POWERAn error occurred in an external paper-handling device.
1st X = Device number in chain
2nd X = Device type
1 Input
2 Output
3 Stapler/stacker unit
YY = Device specific error
68 NVRAM ERROR CHECK SETTINGSAn error occurred in the printer non-volatile memory (NVRAM) and one or more printer settings has been reset to its factory default.
68 NVRAM FULL CHECK SETTINGSAn error occurred in the printer’s NVRAM and one or more printer settings has been reset to its factory default.
68.X PERMANENT STORAGE ERROR alternates with CHECK SETTINGSAn error occurred in the printer’s permanent storage and one or more printer settings has been reset to its factory default.
68.X PERMANENT STORAGE FULLThe printer’s permanent storage is full. Some settings might have been reset to the factory defaults.
69.X PRINTER ERROR alternates with CYCLE POWER TO CONTINUEA temporary printing error occurred.
X description:
0 = The duplex mechanism has failed
79 SERVICE [XXXX]The printer detected an error.
8X.YYYY EIO [Z] ERRORThe EIO accessory in slot [z] has encountered a critical error.
[z] description:
1 = EIO slot 1—The printer detected an error with the EIO accessory.
2 = EIO slot 2—The printer detected an error with the EIO accessory.
6 = EIO slot 1—The EIO accessory detected an error.
7 = EIO slot 2—The EIO accessory detected an error.
Mopy disk error messages
Disk error numberError description
1Disk volume not present–it might be uninitialized
3A requested file or directory could not be found
5Invalid number of bytes given in a read/write request
6Attempt to create a file or directory that already exists
15Bad disk
16No volume label
23Bad seek request–the resulting offset would be negative
24Unexpected internal error
55Bad file system
56Hardware failure
59The maximum number of directories has been reached
70Disk error
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